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Welcome to Fin Tech Coder, a blog where I share my journey, experiences, and insights as a Trading System Developer in the Asset Management space. With over 15 years in the industry, I’ve seen the landscape evolve, from the technology we use to the strategies that drive our markets. My goal is to share my experiences and knowledge of the Trading side of fintech, as it relates to asset management.

My adventure began straight out of college, stepping into a software development role in finance, shortly before the beginnings of the Great Recession. Over the roughly 15 years that followed, I worked with various companies – broker dealers, asset managers and hedge funds. Some were either already doing well or went on to become highly successful. Some others ended up in years-long crises before their eventual demise.

Through Fin Tech Coder, I’ll share detailed experiences of the problems we face in the financial services sector and the solutions we engineer, all from the perspective of a trading system developer. I’ll share my most interesting day-to-day experiences and cover many topics you won’t easily find elsewhere. These range from tips to gaining a foothold as a rookie developer to successfully navigating full blown implementations of trading systems. If you’re currently or planning on working in fintech, especially for an asset manager or hedge fund, you may find this blog particularly useful (or at the very least entertaining).

The blog, although focused on the technology side of finance, will cover some domain knowledge, especially when needed to make sense of the current topic. Stay tuned for more posts as I share my experiences and shed some light on some of the esoteric topics that exist in the world of fintech.